1-2-1 Training

Does your dog jump up every time someone comes to the door, pull you down the road to get to the park or run off and ignore your constant calling? We can help you get a better 'connection' with your dog to improve overall obedience.

We offer tailored 1-2-1 dog training programmes to give you the tips and tools you need to improve the relationship with your dog and work on problem areas such as:
  • Recall
  • Jumping up
  • Pulling on the lead
  • Impulse control
  • General obedience
  • Reactivity
We use kind, reward based methods using the most up to date, modern canine science and concept based training. 

Monthly Training Programmes

Our monthly one to one programs have been designed to allow us to understand the issues you have having with your dog, why they might be happening and provide you with a training plan to follow and ongoing feedback to ensure you are seeing an improvement. 

What's included?

We offer four different programs to suit all budgets and availability. Payment plans are avaiable.

For all four programmes we offer an initial FREE discovery call prior to booking. The aim of this call is to gain more information about the problem you are having and which program would be most suitable for you.

Once booked on, all programmes start with an 45min virtual session. The aim of this session is to find out more about your dog, their routine, training history, health/medical issues (please note we may ask for your dog to have a full health check with your vet prior to starting any training) and more detail about the issues you are having and your training goals. We will then discuss management strategies to prevent your dog from rehearsing the unwanted behaviour whilst we work through a bespoke training plan. We will also schedule all future sessions/catch up calls during this call.

All programmes include at least one face to face session, bespoke training plan, WhatsApp checkins and a 20 minute follow up call. Our Essential, Premium and Ultimate programmes also include a bespoke video package to support your training plan as well as additional face to face sessions. The Premium and Ultimate programmes also include day training sessions where a qualified trainer will collect your dog at a pre-arranged date and time, complete a one hour training session in line with the agreed training plan and return your dog. Sessions will be video recorded where possible and discussed during the weekly catch up call. For more information about what's included in each programme click on Monthly Programmes below.

And if your just looking for something fun to do with your dog we can also offer 1-2-1 Agility and 1-2-1 Fun Gundog training.

To book your FREE discovery call, either click on Monthly Programmes below or Contact Us.